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Agency Appropriations

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Agency Available
FY 2019
FY 2020
Change From
FY 2019
FY 2020
Additional Statewide Counter-Terrorism 0 0 0 3,000,000
Adirondack Park Agency 4,544,000 4,684,000 140,000 3,403,000
Aging, Office for the 256,970,500 269,975,500 13,005,000 306,386,500
Agriculture and Markets, Department of 186,755,000 175,061,000 (11,694,000) 298,938,500
Alcoholic Beverage Control, Division of 13,313,000 48,675,000 35,362,000 0
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Office of 808,764,000 802,338,000 (6,426,000) 661,908,000
Arts and Cultural Facilities Improvement 10,000,000 0 (10,000,000) 20,000,000
Arts, Council on the 47,043,000 46,883,000 (160,000) 48,440,000
Audit and Control, Department of 354,382,000 362,728,000 8,346,000 8,194,000
Budget, Division of the 50,011,000 49,184,000 (827,000) 0
Children and Family Services, Office of 4,004,950,250 3,769,006,350 (235,943,900) 5,129,375,177
City University of New York 4,632,149,400 4,749,216,000 117,066,600 2,405,119,000
Civil Service, Department of 57,465,000 58,741,000 1,276,000 1,000,000
Community Enhancement Facilities Assistance 0 0 0 423,500,000
Correction, Commission of 2,955,000 2,955,000 0 0
Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of 3,296,225,000 3,380,470,000 84,245,000 858,158,000
Criminal Justice Services, Division of 312,542,750 275,640,000 (36,902,750) 421,441,122
Data Analytics 25,000,000 0 (25,000,000) 25,000,000
Debt Service 9,969,200,000 10,152,950,000 183,750,000 0
Deferred Compensation Board 892,000 892,000 0 0
Developmental Disabilities Planning Council 4,760,000 4,760,000 0 10,155,000
Economic Development Capital 0 0 0 657,623,000
Economic Development Program, New York State 0 0 0 71,845,000
Economic Development, Department of 92,011,333 88,408,663 (3,602,670) 229,954,997
Education Department, State 36,149,315,750 37,059,594,850 910,279,100 13,900,230,741
Elections, State Board of 40,559,000 11,559,000 (29,000,000) 61,560,000
Empire State Development Corporation 1,369,378,000 909,914,000 (459,464,000) 7,851,609,000
Employee Relations, Office of 8,291,000 8,683,000 392,000 0
Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State 17,000,000 17,700,000 700,000 25,263,000
Environmental Conservation, Department of 1,245,971,000 1,758,188,000 512,217,000 6,482,895,200
Executive Chamber 17,854,000 17,854,000 0 0
Financial Control Board, New York State 3,131,700 3,497,000 365,300 0
Financial Services, Department of 433,282,963 441,555,963 8,273,000 1,727,000
Gaming Commission, New York State 359,514,000 408,514,000 49,000,000 0
General Services, Office of 1,212,353,000 1,233,353,000 21,000,000 709,488,000
General State Charges 5,853,420,000 6,027,072,000 173,652,000 0
Green Thumb Program 3,318,000 3,561,000 243,000 0
Greenway Heritage Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley 166,000 166,000 0 0
Health Insurance Contingency Reserve 1,785,533,000 773,854,000 (1,011,679,000) 0
Health Insurance Reserve Receipts Fund 292,400,000 292,400,000 0 0
Health, Department of 152,678,198,100 160,181,094,500 7,502,896,400 165,590,237,000
High Technology and Development Program 0 0 0 71,345,000
Higher Education - Miscellaneous 675,000 675,000 0 458,000
Higher Education Facilities Capital Matching Grants Program 30,000,000 0 (30,000,000) 121,661,000
Higher Education Services Corporation, New York State 1,247,687,000 1,220,066,000 (27,621,000) 22,345,000
Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of 1,536,307,000 1,568,307,000 32,000,000 17,132,368,000
Housing and Community Renewal, Division of 662,249,000 459,219,000 (203,030,000) 3,300,445,000
Hudson River Park Trust 50,000,000 23,000,000 (27,000,000) 50,086,000
Hudson River Valley Greenway Communities Council 321,000 321,000 0 100,571,000
Human Rights, Division of 18,153,000 18,153,000 0 8,295,000
Hurricane Irene - Tropical Storm Lee Flood Recovery Grant 0 0 0 29,358,000
Indigent Legal Services, Office of 161,247,000 210,900,000 49,653,000 320,477,000
Information Technology Services, Office of 854,543,000 864,543,000 10,000,000 389,475,000
Inspector General, Office of the 7,444,000 7,244,000 (200,000) 0
Insurance and Securities Funds Reserve Guarantee 1,605,000,000 1,605,000,000 0 0
Interest on Lawyer Account 47,039,000 47,039,000 0 0
Jacob Javits Convention Center 0 0 0 350,000,000
Judicial Conduct, Commission on 5,696,000 5,696,000 0 0
Judicial Nomination, Commission on 30,000 30,000 0 0
Judicial Screening Committees, New York State 38,000 38,000 0 0
Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs 56,404,000 57,640,000 1,236,000 4,626,000
Labor Management Committees 40,031,000 38,555,000 (1,476,000) 80,588,000
Labor, Department of 3,632,675,000 3,618,163,000 (14,512,000) 3,876,064,000
Law, Department of 263,872,000 250,927,000 (12,945,000) 57,658,000
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the 630,000 630,000 0 0
Local Government Assistance 1,052,603,113 758,852,613 (293,750,500) 335,914,000
Medicaid Inspector General, Office of the 50,021,000 44,435,000 (5,586,000) 27,461,000
Mental Health, Office of 4,264,744,000 4,395,554,000 130,810,000 2,893,517,000
Mental Hygiene, Department of 600,000,000 600,000,000 0 0
Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2,585,292,000 2,437,143,000 (148,149,000) 7,199,990,000
Military and Naval Affairs, Division of 156,511,000 157,611,000 1,100,000 273,533,000
Mortgage Agency, State of New York 222,665,010 215,199,849 (7,465,161) 0
Motor Vehicles, Department of 362,574,000 395,885,000 33,311,000 252,361,000
National and Community Service 30,691,300 30,773,300 82,000 124,959,000
Nonprofit Infrastructure Capital Investment Program 0 0 0 97,852,000
Olympic Regional Development Authority 70,090,000 107,090,000 37,000,000 46,000,000
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Office of 435,928,000 481,459,000 45,531,000 543,395,400
Pay For Success Contingency Reserve 69,000,000 69,000,000 0 0
Payments to STARC / NYC 170,000,000 170,000,000 0 0
People with Developmental Disabilities, Office for 4,699,874,000 4,821,694,000 121,820,000 2,665,869,000
Power Authority, New York 215,000,000 172,000,000 (43,000,000) 68,745,000
Prevention of Domestic Violence, Office for 5,597,000 5,597,000 0 2,426,000
Public Employment Relations Board 3,984,000 4,056,000 72,000 0
Public Ethics, Joint Commission on 5,582,000 5,582,000 0 0
Public Security and Emergency Response 200,000,000 200,000,000 0 9,527,798,000
Public Service Department 95,422,000 104,682,000 9,260,000 11,198,000
Racing Reform Program 0 0 0 1,642,000
Raise the Age 100,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 54,200,000
Regional Economic Development Program 0 0 0 11,908,000
Reserve for Federal Audit Disallowances 500,000,000 500,000,000 0 0
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation 25,028,000 0 (25,028,000) 25,028,000
Special Emergency Appropriation 500,000,000 1,000,000,000 500,000,000 0
Special Federal Emergency Appropriation 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 0
Special Infrastructure Account, New York State 0 0 0 2,453,785,000
Special Pay Bill 326,530,000 0 (326,530,000) 0
State, Department of 253,693,000 252,267,000 (1,426,000) 337,470,000
State and Municipal Facilities Program 475,000,000 0 (475,000,000) 1,931,987,000
State Equipment Finance Program 0 93,000,000 93,000,000 94,632,000
State Police, Division of 994,657,000 956,632,000 (38,025,000) 158,969,000
State University Construction Fund n/a n/a n/a n/a
State University of New York 11,056,456,100 11,130,209,100 73,753,000 4,822,288,000
Statewide Financial System 30,491,000 30,506,000 15,000 0
Strategic Investment Program 0 0 0 77,047,000
Tax Appeals, Division of 3,040,000 3,040,000 0 0
Taxation and Finance, Department of 465,339,400 468,561,400 3,222,000 13,200,000
Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of 5,732,899,000 5,822,716,000 89,817,000 4,263,746,000
Thruway Authority, New York State n/a n/a n/a n/a
Transportation, Department of 10,049,267,600 9,479,312,300 (569,955,300) 19,143,330,000
Veterans' Affairs, Division of 21,258,000 19,606,000 (1,652,000) 16,802,000
Victim Services, Office of 119,698,000 171,798,000 52,100,000 242,938,000
Welfare Inspector General, Office of 1,412,000 1,312,000 (100,000) 0
Workers' Compensation Board 216,439,000 196,439,000 (20,000,000) 67,150,000
Workers' Compensation Reserve 12,820,000 9,590,000 (3,230,000) 0
World Trade Center - Department of Transportation 0 0 0 148,740,000

Additional Agency Information

Note: Most recent estimates as of 1/15/2019