FY 2026 New York State Executive Budget
Governor Hochul Unveils Highlights of FY 2026 Executive Budget
Executive Budget Information
Briefing Book
The Executive Budget Briefing Book contains the Budget Director’s Message, which presents the Governor’s fiscal blueprint for the FY 2026 fiscal year and explains the State’s Financial Plan. It also includes highlights of major initiatives, and a list of the legislative proposals needed to implement the proposed budget.
Five-Year Financial Plan
The Executive Budget Financial Plan summarizes the Governor’s Executive Budget and describes the “complete plan” of spending and revenues required by the Constitution.
Capital Program and Financing Plan
The Executive Budget Five-Year Capital Program and Financing Plan highlights major capital initiatives and objectives and describes the approach to financing the capital program.
Economic and Revenue Outlook
The Economic and Revenue Outlook explains the specific sources of State revenues and presents the economic outlook for the nation and the State.
Agency Presentations
The Agency Presentations section presents tables that summarize the agency’s spending by program and category. The budget requests of the Legislature and Judiciary are submitted.
When the Governor submits the Executive Budget to the legislature, bills are also submitted containing all proposed appropriations and reappropriations included in the budget, and any other legislation needed to implement the budget.
Aid to Localities and School Districts
The Executive Budget includes proposed Aid and Incentives for Municipalities, as well as a Description of School Aid Recommendations for the upcoming school year.
Open Budget
OPENBUDGET.ny.gov is New York’s one-stop site for budget information, featuring graphic visualizations and easy data downloads and displays of appropriations, budgeted and actual spending, charts, and historical budget information.
Latest Updates
- Governor’s Amendments to the FY 2026 Executive Budget
- Amended FY 2026 Executive Budget Legislation
- Governor Hochul Unveils Highlights of FY 2026 Executive Budget
- Governor Hochul’s Budget Presentation and Webcast
- Budget Director’s Technical Presentation
- FY 2026 NYS Executive Budget Economic Revenue, Spending & Methodology Report
- All FY 2026 Executive Budget Publications