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Children and Family Services, Office of

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The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) serves New York's public by promoting the safety, permanency and well-being of our children, families and communities. OCFS achieves results by setting and enforcing policies, building partnerships, and funding and providing quality services.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $3.8 billion for the Office. This is an increase of $38.5 million from the 2011-12 budget. The increase primarily reflects the net impact of the following actions: increased General Fund support for child care to maintain the current TANF and General Fund levels; the elimination of 2012-13 COLAs and trends; closing/downsizing youth facilities; and new funding for a new 24-hour hotline to report abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults and children.

The Executive Budget recommends a workforce of 3,334 FTEs for the Department. This is an increase of 191 FTEs from the 2011-12 budget. The increase primarily reflects the net impact of the following actions: positions to improve mental health and direct care services to youth in OCFS facilities consistent with a Department of Justice settlement agreement; closing and downsizing of youth facilities and associated programming as part of a reform initiative that would allow New York City to operate a juvenile justice system; and, staff for a new 24-hour hotline to report allegations of abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults and children.

Major budget actions include:

For more information on this agency's budget recommendations located in the Executive Budget Briefing Book, click on the following link:

Briefing Book – Human Services (PDF)

All amounts are in dollars
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 529,200,000 529,128,200 (71,800) 415,599,200
Aid To Localities 3,225,490,250 3,264,025,050 38,534,800 2,786,482,999
Capital Projects 37,675,000 37,675,000 0 166,306,000
Total 3,792,365,250 3,830,828,250 38,463,000 3,368,388,199

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Program 2011-12
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
Central Administration
General Fund 320 313 (7)
Special Revenue Funds - Federal 13 13 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other 1 1 0
Child Care
Special Revenue Funds - Federal 216 216 0
Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
General Fund 5 5 0
Special Revenue Funds - Federal 136 136 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other 1 1 0
Family and Children Services
General Fund 478 668 190
Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 41 0
Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 2 0
Maintenance & Improvement of Youth Facilities
Capital Projects Funds - Other 6 6 0
Systems Support
General Fund 145 142 (3)
Training and Development
Special Revenue Funds - Other 44 44 0
Youth Facilities
General Fund 1,735 1,746 11
Total 3,143 3,334 191

Note: Most recent estimates as of 1/17/2012

Click for additional detailed appropriation tables