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2007-2008 Enacted School Aid Budgets

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Building on the historic investment in education proposed in the 2007-08 Executive Budget, the Enacted Budget provides an increase of $1.8 billion in education funding. This increase is comprised of a school aid increase of more than $1.76 billion, and an increase of $80 million in other education-related programs, including aid for non-public schools.

*All districts received an increase of at least 3% for 2007-08 in Foundation Aid, which is the main operating aid districts received.  However for an individual district, this increase may be offset by decreased state aid that is paid to reimburse districts for actual costs incurred for building expenses, transportation, certain special education programs, and other programs.  Because spending in these expense-based aids may fluctuate year to year, some districts may see a decline in overall state aid even though operating aid has increased by at least 3%. 

Detailed Lookup

Comprehensive information about each type of aid each district will receive can be found at the NYSED State Aid HomepageLink to External Website.

Needs-Based Investment


Charter Schools