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2007-08 Archive

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2007-08 Enacted Budget Documents

2007-08 Enacted Budget and Updates

Enacted Budget Bills

The Enacted Budget Bill copy can be found on the Legislative Session Information Page.

Public Protection / General Government Budget Bill
Appropriation Bill – S2100-D / A4300-D
Article VII Bill – S2106-C / A4306-C

Education, Labor and Family Assistance Budget Bill
Appropriation Bill – S2103-D / A4303-D
Article VII Bill – S2107-C / A4307-C

Health and Mental Hygiene Budget Bill
Appropriation Bill – S2104-D / A4304-D
Article VII Bill – S2108-C / A4308-C

Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation Budget Bills
Appropriation Bill – S2105-D / A4305-D
Article VII Bill – S2109-C/ A4309-C

Legislature and Judiciary Budget Bill
S2101-B / A4301-B (Chapter 51)

Debt Service Appropriation Bill
S2102-A / A4302-A

Revenue Article VII Budget Bill
S2110-C / A4310-C

2007-08 Executive Budget Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

2007-08 Appropriation Bills

Appropriations for the Support of Government
Public Protection and General Government Budget (PDF)
Transportation, Economic Development, and Environmental Conservation Budget (PDF)
Health and Mental Hygiene (PDF)
Education, Labor and Family Assistance Budget (PDF)

Appropriations for State Debt Service (PDF)

Appropriations for Legislature and Judiciary (PDF)

HTML Versions of the Appropriation Bills are available on the Legislative Session Information Page. This link will open a new window for the Legislative Bill Search Page.

2007-08 Article VII Bills

2006-07 Deficiency Bills

Omnibus Memorandum in Support
Omnibus Appropriation Deficiency Bill (PDF)

Transportation Memorandum in Support
Transportation Article VII Deficiency Bill (PDF)

HTML Versions of the Enacted Deficiency Bills are available on the Legislative Session Information Page. This link will open a new window for the Legislative Bill Search Page.

21 Day Amendments

2007-08 Executive Budget Supplemented for 21-Day Amendments 2006-07 through 2010-11 (PDF)

Appropriation Bills Amendments
Appropriation Amendments Narrative
Appropriation Amendments Strike Out/Insert (PDF)

Public Protection and General Government Article VII Bill
PPGG Narrative (PDF)
PPGG Strike Out/Insert (PDF)
PPGG New Part R (PDF)

Education, Labor and Family Assistance Article VII Bill
ELFA Narrative (PDF)
ELFA Strike Out/Insert (PDF)

Health and Mental Hygiene Article VII Bill
HMH Narrative (PDF)
HMH Strike Out/Insert (PDF)

Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation Article VII Bill
TED Narrative (PDF)
TED Strike Out/Insert (PDF)
TED New Part CC(PDF)
TED New Part DD(PDF)

Revenue Article VII Bill
Revenue Narrative (PDF)
Revenue Strike Out/Insert (PDF)

Tax Expenditure Report

Annual Information Statement, Continuing Disclosure and Methodology Report

Annual Information Statement

Note: By choosing to download and view an Informational Copy of the AIS (and any updates and supplements thereto), you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the AIS Access and Use Agreement and have agreed to the conditions under which the AIS (and any updates and supplements thereto) is being made available to you.

Continuing Disclosure/Annual Update

Methodology Report

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