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Commentary of the Governor on the Judiciary Budget (PDF)

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The Judiciary is one of the three branches of New York State government. The mission of the Judiciary is to provide a forum for the fair and prompt resolution of civil and family disputes, criminal charges, disputes between citizens and the state, and challenges to government action. Other matters within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary are administration of decedents' estates, presiding over adoptions and proceedings to protect children and incapacitated persons, and regulation of the admission of lawyers to the Bar and their conduct and discipline. Each year more than four million new cases are filed in the New York State Courts.

Budget Highlights

The Judiciary’s General Fund Operating Budget requests $1.9 billion, excluding fringe benefits, for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. This represents a cash increase of $44.4 million, or 2.4%. The appropriation request is $1.9 billion, which represents a $43.4 million, or 2.3%, increase. This budget request is the product of a delicate balancing of two fundamental duties of the Judicial Branch – its responsibility as a co-equal partner in government to prudently manage the expenditure of public funds and its obligation as an independent branch to ensure the timely and fair administration of justice to every person who comes to our courthouses. Based on a careful weighing of these twin duties, the Judiciary has determined that this is the minimum funding necessary to provide the courts with the resources needed to fulfill their constitutional mission.

There can be no doubt as to the Judiciary’s commitment to fiscal prudence, and its willingness and ability to work with the Executive and Legislative branches of government to preserve and enhance the State’s fiscal stability. For years, the Judiciary faced significant, non-discretionary cost escalation without corresponding increases in funding. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the General Fund State Operating portion of the Judiciary budget, which supports court operations, was $1.786 billion. Six years later, that amount is $1.85 billion, an increase of only $64 million, or 3.5 percent – about 0.6 percent annually, far less than the rate of inflation. In the face of that modest, less-than-inflation growth in funding, the Judiciary absorbed hundreds of millions of dollars in higher costs.

The Judiciary’s All Funds budget request for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, excluding fringe benefits, totals $2.13 billion, an appropriation increase of $48.3 million or 2.3% over the 2015-2016 All Funds budget. In addition to the requested increase in the General Fund, operationally necessary increases are requested in the Judiciary Data Processing Offset Fund, the Attorney Licensing Fund and the Court Facilities Incentive Aid Fund.

Judiciary (PDF)