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Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State

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The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) facilitates change through the widespread development and use of innovative technologies to improve the State’s energy, economic and environmental well-being.

As part of its central mission, the Authority administers energy efficiency, technology development, and market development programs, funded principally through the System Benefits Charge, and the Renewable Portfolio Standard program.

Energy research, development and demonstration programs are managed by the Authority, funded primarily by assessments on gas and electric utilities. The Authority also issues tax-exempt bonds on behalf of investor-owned utilities for eligible capital improvements.

The Authority’s responsibilities include the development and analysis of energy policy options, the monitoring of fuel supplies, the management of the former nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at West Valley in Cattaraugus County and the management of the Saratoga Technology and Energy Park (STEP) in Saratoga County.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $53.2 million for NYSERDA. This is an increase of $23 million from the 2012-13 budget, reflecting $25 million in funding for the Cleaner, Greener Communities program, partially offset by decreased funding for nuclear waste cleanup activities at West Valley.

Major budget actions include:

For more information on this agency's budget recommendations located in the Executive Budget Briefing Book, click on the following link:

Briefing Book – Environment and Energy (PDF)

Category Available
Change From
State Operations 8,090,000 8,791,000 701,000 0
Aid To Localities 8,140,000 7,439,000 (701,000) 0
Capital Projects 14,000,000 37,000,000 23,000,000 0
Total 30,230,000 53,230,000 23,000,000 0

Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/22/2013

Click for additional detailed appropriation tables