Arts, Council on the
skip breadcrumbsCategory | Available 2008-09 |
Appropriations Recommended 2009-10 |
Change From 2008-09 |
Reappropriations Recommended 2009-10 |
State Operations | 10,544,300 | 5,582,000 | -4,962,300 | 500,000 |
Aid To Localities | 47,541,602 | 44,159,000 | -3,382,602 | 13,019,000 |
Total | 58,085,902 | 49,741,000 | -8,344,902 | 13,519,000 |
Program | 2008-09 Estimated FTEs 03/31/09 |
2009-10 Estimated FTEs 03/31/10 |
FTE Change |
Administration | |||
General Fund | 49 | 46 | -3 |
Total | 49 | 46 | -3 |
Note: Most recent estimates as of 12/16/08.
The primary responsibility for oversight and administration of the State’s artistic and cultural resources is assigned to three existing entities - the Council on the Arts, the Empire State Plaza Performing Arts Center Corporation and the New York State Theatre Institute. Working together, these agencies have expanded access to the performing and fine arts, preserved the State’s cultural resources and promoted greater public awareness of New York’s rich cultural heritage. This year, the Executive Budget recommends the merger of the New York State Theatre Institute into the Empire State Plaza Performing Arts Center Corporation to achieve necessary efficiencies and to better achieve their core mission goals.
Budget Highlights
The 2009-10 Executive Budget recommends $49.7 million ($44.4 million General Fund; $5.3 million Other Funds) for the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), the Egg, and NYSTI. This is a decrease of $8.3 million ($8.0 million in General Fund and $0.3 million in Other Funds) from the 2008-09 final enacted budget. This net change primarily reflects the reduction in funding for grants to arts and cultural organizations, the reduction of staff at NYSCA, and operational efficiencies generated by the recommended merger of the Egg and NYSTI. The Executive Budget recommendation continues $1.5 million in Federal funds, the same level as the 2008-09 Budget.
The Executive Budget recommends a staffing level of 46 FTEs for the Council on the Arts. This represents a decrease of 3 FTEs from the 2008-09 final enacted budget.
Major budget actions include:
- Reduce Funding for NYSCA Grants: The 2009-10 Executive Budget recommendations provide $38.9 million in General Fund support for arts grants. This represents a decrease of $7.0 million from the final 2008-09 Enacted Budget.
- Merge NYSTI with the Egg: To achieve necessary efficiencies and enhance the achievement of their similar missions, the 2009-10 Executive Budget recommends merging the New York State Theatre Institute Corporation with the Empire State Plaza Performing Arts Center Corporation. NYSTI would continue to carry out its mission of providing educational theatre programming from its facilities in Troy under the aegis of the Egg. The 2009-10 Executive Budget recommendations would provide $3.7 million in special revenue funding for the Egg and NYSTI, a decrease of $0.3 million from the amount provided to both agencies in 2008-09. Receipts from ticket sales, private donations, and sales and lease of products and facilities will supplement State funds provided to these organizations.
2009-10 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Arts, Council on the (PDF)