Progress Reports – Hudson River Valley Greenway CC and Greenway Heritage Conservancy HRV, Inc.

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  1. Spending Reduction Target
    • The Greenway’s current-year savings target is $68,000, reflecting the Governor’s order for a 10.35 percent reduction in projected agency spending.
    • The Greenway is currently expected to achieve its entire $68,000 spending reduction target.
  2. Major Savings Initiatives
    • The Greenway is implementing the following actions to achieve the savings target.
    • Reduce personal service spending by not filling vacant positions – Historically, the Greenway Council has employed five (5) FTEs and one (1) intern. As of close of May 9, 2008, the Greenway Council included only two (2) FTEs, an Administrative Assistant and a Senior Planner/Acting Executive Director.
    • Reduce non personal service spending by cutting costs on all nonessential purchases and travel – Employee travel costs will be reduced by requiring the use of the state vehicle for travel or other means of transportation when it may be more cost effective. The agency’s recently acquired hybrid vehicle will reduce fuel and maintenance costs. The purchase of office supplies and materials are restricted to essential purchases only.