Progress Reports – Division of Veterans’ Affairs

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  1. Spending Reduction Target
    • The Division of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) current-year savings target is $0.7 million, reflects the Governor’s order for an across the board 10.35 percent reduction in projected agency.
    • DVA is currently expected to achieve $0.4 million of its spending reduction target. Due to the fact that the DVA budget consists primarily of counselors who assist veterans, lay-offs would be required to fully achieve the target, and essential services to current and returning veterans would be negatively impacted. The agency is continuing to pursue opportunities to maximize efficiencies and obtain federal dollars from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to achieve potential savings in the out-years.
  2. Major Savings Initiatives
    • DVA is already in the process of implementing the following actions to achieve their savings target:
    • Reducing personal service spending through attrition and the elimination of non-essential administrative positions.
    • Limiting travel, scrutinizing contractual services and lease agreements, and utilizing on-line accredited training methodologies to accomplish non-personal services savings.