Progress Reports – Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA)/State Emergency Management Office

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  1. Spending Reduction Target
    • The current year savings target for the Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA), which includes the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO), is $3.7 million. This reflects the Governor’s order for a 10.35 percent reduction in projected agency spending. DMNA/SEMO is currently expected to achieve its entire spending reduction target.
  2. Major Savings Initiatives
    • DMNA and SEMO are already in the process of implementing the following actions to achieve their adjusted savings target:
    • Reducing personal service spending through attrition, the elimination of non-essential positions and control of overtime.
    • Limiting travel, eliminating the purchase of non-mission critical items, obtaining information technology efficiencies, foregoing moves to new space and other non-personal services savings.