Progress Reports – Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

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  1. Spending Reduction Target
    • DEC’s current-year savings target is $32.2 million, reflecting the Governor’s order for a 10.35 percent reduction in projected agency spending.
    • DEC is expected to achieve its entire $32.2 million spending reduction target.
  2. Major Savings Initiatives
    • DEC is implementing the following actions to achieve their savings target:
    • Reduction by 10 percent of non-personal service costs ($6.9 million), downsizing vehicle fleet ($170,000); eliminating Reservoir Release payments ($0.2 million); consolidating Regional Sub-offices ($0.1 million); redirecting staff from Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board ($0.04 million); reducing purchase of IT equipment, memberships, and supplies and materials ($0.45 million).
    • Reduction in consultant service contracts by $1.1 million for services that can be performed by agency staff, including collaborating with OPRHP on Recreation Advertising Contract ($0.13 million), consolidating Spill Dispatch Contract across agency divisions ($0.06 million), eliminating Forest Inventory Contract ($0.33 million), and reducing other contractual services ($0.58 million).
    • State Operations savings by reducing rent and other eligible costs ($2.5 million).
    • Re-estimate Special Revenue Fund non-personal service ($3.73 million) and additional management efficiencies ($1.18 million).
    • Personal Service Savings ($6.8 million) – Agency estimates 200 attritions in the current year. The Department will reorganize staff to focus on priority mission critical functions to ensure that the Department provides a high level of service.
    • Waste Tire and Oil Spill Contract Revisions ($6 million) – Represents revisions of both to reflect current spending patterns. This reestimate will not impact the Department’s ability to meet the December 2010 deadline for waste tire abatement.