Office of General Services
skip breadcrumbsSummary
The Office of General Services will fully achieve its savings target of $5.0 million on a recurring basis, while preserving and furthering progress toward meeting critical policy/program goals. Savings actions include:
- Instituting an agency-wide hiring policy that only mission critical positions vacated will be refilled ($1.5 million).
- Reevaluating state office building heating and cooling temperature standards to reduce utility costs ($1 million).
- Eliminating overtime that is not health and safety related ($750,000).
- Reevaluating over 200 miscellaneous contractual service contracts to identify opportunities to eliminate or reduce service levels ($668,000).
- Shifting to electronic rather than printed materials and reducing supply inventories to the maximum extent possible ($614,100).
- Deferring all non-critical equipment replacements ($406,000).
- Restricting the use of temporary and contract employees ($77,000).
- Limiting travel through the use of videoconferencing and other communication options ($39,900).
Complete Agency Management Plan
Office of General Services Financial Management Plan (PDF)
Quarterly Progress Update
The first quarterly progress update will be available October 2008.