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Homeland Security, Office of

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All amounts are in dollars
Sortable Appropriations Data
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 22,425,000 23,084,000 659,000 154,580,000
Aid To Localities 360,000,000 350,000,000 -10,000,000 1,050,000,000
Total 382,425,000 373,084,000 -9,341,000 1,204,580,000

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Budget Data Chart
Program 2007-08
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
    General Fund 110 110 0
Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination Program
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 4 0
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 42 0
Homeland Security Program
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 30 36 6
Total 186 192 6

Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/22/08.


The Office of Homeland Security is responsible for the development and implementation of a comprehensive statewide strategy to detect, protect against and respond to terrorist threats and events. Established as a permanent office by anti-terror legislation enacted in July 2004, the Office maintains strong partnerships with relevant State and local agencies, as well as Federal security-related agencies including the Department of Homeland Security. Among its responsibilities are assessments of vulnerability of critical assets, systems and material; policy development; the allocation of Federal homeland security and related funds; cyber readiness and the prevention and detection of cyber events. Additionally, the Office is required to coordinate the collection and dissemination of counter-terrorism information, as well as the development and implementation of a statewide strategy for disaster preparedness training.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $373 million All Funds ($11 General Fund, $362 million Other Funds) for the Office of Homeland Security. This is a net decrease of $9.3 million (a $0.3 million General Fund decrease; a $1 million increase in Other Funds and a $10 million decrease in Federal Local Assistance funds) from the 2007-2008 budget. This net change primarily reflects operating efficiencies, and the elimination of unneeded Federal appropriations. The Office will continue to take a leadership role in maximizing Federal funding and ensuring distribution of that funding in an effective manner which supports the State's comprehensive security strategy. Federal funds anticipated from the State Homeland Security Grant and Urban Area Security Initiative programs will continue to be appropriated under the auspices of the Office.

The Executive Budget recommends a staffing level of 192 FTEs for the Office of Homeland Security, an increase of 6 from the 2007-2008 budget. This reflects the creation of a local audit unit to better monitor and assist municipalities that receive Federal Homeland Security grants.

Major budget actions include:

2008-09 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Homeland Security, Office of (PDF)