A BUDGET BILL submitted by the Governor
in accordance with Article VII of the Constitution
AN ACT to amend chapters 50, 53, 54 and 55 of the laws of 2003, making appropriations for the support of government
Purpose: This deficiency appropriation bill amends Chapters 50, 53, 54 and 55 (as amended by Chapter 684 of the Laws of 2003), which made appropriations for the 2003-04 fiscal year, to meet essential obligations for which funding was not provided in the enacted budget.
Summary of Provisions:
amends the 2003-04 Public Protection and General Government Budget as follows:
This recommended deficiency for the Department of Correctional Services increases the 2003-04 General Fund appropriations in the Health Services and Supervision Programs by $54.5 million. The increase is necessary to fund medical nonpersonal service needs, overtime for security staff and other personal service costs.
The recommended deficiency for the Division of Criminal Justice Services increases 2003-04 Special Revenue-Federal appropriations for the Domestic Incident Preparedness Program by $104 million. This increase is necessary to accept and spend recently awarded State Homeland Security Grant Program grants, which Federal guidelines require to be expended before the end of the current State fiscal year.
The recommended deficiency for General State Charges adds language that will authorize the use of existing appropriations for litigation costs to support expenses of the Commission on Education Reform in compliance with the June 26, 2003 Court of Appeals decision in the case of Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State of New York.
The recommended deficiency for Homeland Security increases 2003-04 Special Revenue-Federal appropriations by $100,590,000. This increase is necessary to fully authorize spending of the Urban Area Security Initiative grants awarded to date, which Federal guidelines require to be expended before the end of the current State fiscal year.
amends the 2003-04 Education, Labor and Family Assistance Budget as follows:
The recommended deficiencies for the City University of New York (CUNY) increase the 2003-04 General Fund, Aid to Localities appropriation for community college operating assistance by $2.258 million and the Special Revenue Funds - Other appropriation for the City University Tuition Reimbursable Account (CUTRA) by $55 million.
The $2.258 million for operating assistance is necessary due to higher than projected enrollment at CUNY community colleges.
The $55 million CUTRA deficiency is necessary to enable CUNY to spend excess tuition revenues generated above the level appropriated for CUNY's tuition revenue offset. This appropriation deficiency will be permanently addressed with the recommended fold-in of sustained excess tuition revenues into the University's gross operating budget in 2004-05.
The recommended deficiencies for the State Education Department increase 2003-04 appropriations for:
The recommended deficiency for the Higher Education Services Corporation increases the General Fund appropriation for Student Grant and Award Programs by $33.9 million, to fund the larger than projected growth in the number of Tuition Assistance Program recipients and average award levels.
The recommended deficiencies for the State University of New York (SUNY) provide the following increases:
amends the 2003-04 Health and Mental Hygiene Budget as follows:
The recommended deficiencies for the Department of Health provide the following increases:
amends the 2003-04 Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation Budget as follows:
The recommended deficiency for the Department of Public Service (DPS) increases the 2003-04 Special Revenue-Federal appropriation in the Regulation Program by $300,000. DPS received notification of a Federal grant award after the 2003-04 budget was enacted and has a limited amount of time in which to spend the moneys.
provides that the bill take effect immediately and be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2003.
Existing Law: This is a new bill.
Statement in Support: Enactment of this deficiency appropriation bill is necessary to provide funding for liabilities occurring in the 2003-04 fiscal year for which no appropriations currently exist.
Budget Implications: The provisions of this bill are accommodated in the current Financial Plan for 2003-04.